Tag: saltwater fishing

Inshore vs Offshore Fishing

Inshore vs Offshore Fishing

If you are new to fishing and would like to understand the difference between inshore and offshore fishing, you are in the right place.  Depth of water and proximity to land influence the types of fish you will catch.  Inshore Fishing  Water Depth: Up to 30 Meters  Distance From Land: Within 15 miles  Fish You Can Catch: Snapper, Grouper, Tarpon,…

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Mindfulness, Stress Relief, and Fishing

Mindfulness, Stress Relief, and Fishing

Many fishermen speak about the peace they feel out on the ocean. They feel present in the moment and with themselves. Out on the sea, there is a deep sense of relaxation. Time to get away from the busyness of life and tune inwards.  A common misconception of mindfulness and meditation practices is that it only includes sitting on the…

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Bring Your Bachelor/ette Party to Key West

Bring Your Bachelor/ette Party to Key West

Deciding where to go for your bachelor or bachelorette party? Key West is the ultimate destination.  Now we aren’t just saying that because we are based in Key West and happen to do epic bachelor and bachelorette fishing charters.  There is no other place that offers what Key West does. Key West provides an endless supply of Instagrammable photo opportunities and there…

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Secret Fishing Spots  in Key West

Secret Fishing Spots in Key West

Ever wonder where the best fishing spots in Key West are? Have you ever tried to ask a fisherman where their fishing spots are and not gotten much of an answer?  One of our Key West fishing charter guests shared that when they previously asked a fisherman where his fishing spots were, he winked and said, “the ocean”.  Fishing spots…

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Catching Sailfish

Catching Sailfish

Catching Sailfish: Everything You Need to Know You know how exhilarating it can be if you’ve ever gone fishing when that large fish bursts from the water after your bait. While most of us will never have the experience of actually reeling in a Sailfish on our next family vacation, many of us do have the opportunity to experience an…

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Fish Chum & Chumming

Fish Chum & Chumming

What is Fish Chum? Fish chum is used to attract fish and increase your catch. There are different types of fish chum depending on what you are looking to reel in, but it typically is made of fish guts and oily fish parts. The easiest way of chumming is by using frozen chum blocks and a net style chum dispenser.…

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