Ever wonder where the best fishing spots in Key West are? Have you ever tried to ask a fisherman where their fishing spots are and not gotten much of an answer? 

One of our Key West fishing charter guests shared that when they previously asked a fisherman where his fishing spots were, he winked and said, “the ocean”. 

Fishing spots are the ultimate fisherman’s secret. 

While this unwritten code is understood by anglers, it can be a bit confusing for those who are just entering the fishing world or haven’t spent time around fishermen.

What’s the big deal?

Why keep these spots a secret?

Aren’t there enough fish in the ocean?

Fishing spots take time to find. They can be passed down in families or amongst close (carefully vetted) friends. 

There is a fierce protectiveness in keeping their spots from getting “worn out”. You don’t want everyone fishing where you get your catch. It is a secret that must be hidden deep within the ocean. Otherwise, the spot would end up on some online blog post, or become part of an outdated fishing guide.

Now you probably thought by the title of this blog that we’d reveal some special spots. The search is part of what makes fishing extra exciting, which wouldn’t be as fun without the mysteries, now would it?