One of the most prized game species of the western Atlantic ocean and perhaps the best shallow-water sport fish in the world. Fishing Permit you will not soon forget the fight. They are be found in the waters of Key West from calm, warm days in February, increasing in size and numbers in March and reaching their hight in April and May. After spawning, they spread out and can be found on both the flats and shallow reefs and wrecks in both the Atlantic as well as the Gulf ofMexico. They are found through out the summer months, into the fall.

The larger Permit show up in the earlier months, with the highest concentration of fish showing for the spawn in April. Although the Permit is considered a solid for fish for the eating, we like to encourage the release of this great gamefish so that their numbers will continue to make Key West the Permit Capital of the World.

During the months of April and May, schools of Permit, sometimes numbering in the thousands, frequent the shoals and wrecks around the Dry Tortugas. These fish are not shy like those of the flats. Casting a fly will often result in several of these silver giants, with backs out of the water, pushing and bumping each other in order to eat your presentation. This is a sight that is unlikely to be forgotten in any anglers lifetime.