Many fishermen speak about the peace they feel out on the ocean. They feel present in the moment and with themselves. Out on the sea, there is a deep sense of relaxation. Time to get away from the busyness of life and tune inwards. 

A common misconception of mindfulness and meditation practices is that it only includes sitting on the floor meditating for 30 minutes. Mindfulness, meditation, and yoga practices originate from Eastern religions (Buddhism and Hinduism), philosophies, and cultures. There are different forms of mindfulness and meditation activities that go beyond the Western view of it being only a sit down practice.

In the United States, it has been used as a tool for stress reduction and relaxation. Mindfulness is about bringing your attention to the present moment. Using your focus and awareness as you take in your external surroundings (sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch) and your internal world. 

Mindfulness can be woven throughout our days, and being out on the ocean is a great place to be present with ourselves, de-stress, and of course, catch some fish!