Mangrove Snapper in Key West

Catching Mangrove Snapper is a great way to get the most out of your time fishing. It can be difficult to find and hard to catch, making it a welcome challenge for fishers of all levels. Once you master the art of catching these fish, you will be hooked! In this article, I’ll cover what they look like, where they are typically found, and how to best catch them.

Where to find Mangrove Snapper

The first thing to know about them is that they are difficult to find and catch. The main reason for this is that they live in deep water. However, it is not the permanent home of these fish. They are found in mangrove swamps and seagrass meadows where the water is very shallow (usually less than 10 meters deep) and only for short periods of time.

How to catch Mangrove Snapper

The best way to catch them is by using baitfish lures or a half-cast rig. Small live bait works too, but you will have to wait a very long time. The best place to catch them is in mangrove swamps in the summertime when they are there to spawn. This is a great time to fish because it’s not as hot and it’s easier to travel through the swamp. Mangrove snappers are about 16 inches long and weigh about 10 pounds, but can grow up to 20 pounds. The average market length of mangrove snapper caught off the coast of South Florida is 14 inches long. Their diet consists of invertebrates and fish, mostly small bait fish. They eat mostly insects and other small animals that live in the mangrove swamps.

Once you have one on your line there are a few things to remember. First, get your fishing rod ready by pulling the fishing line in really tight. That way, you can pull the fish when it jumps out of the water after it gets hooked. Second, keep the line really taut so that you don’t lose the fish. Most people let the fish run, which means that it swims all over the bait without getting tired! You don’t want that to happen because it’ll get away while you’re not looking! Third, try to keep your lure following your boat so that it doesn’t fall off its hook. You should watch it carefully to make sure that nothing happens to it. If it snaps, you should try to catch your line before the fish gets away! You can catch mangrove snappers at night or during the day, but they’re easier to see at night when they have a silvery glow. They look like large trout, and they can grow up to twenty pounds! Most snappers are caught with a fishing rod and reel. When you catch a mangrove snapper, be careful with it too much because they don’t live very long after they’re taken out of the water.

More About Mangrove Snapper

Mangrove Snapper are a species of snapper found in tropical waters. They can live in open water and grass flats but tend to prefer structures like docks ship wrecks and of course mangroves. Mangrove Snapper get their name for breading in the mangroves. Here they live out there young lives and then return to when they mate.

  • Lifespan: around 21-28 years
  • Order: Perciformes
  • Scientific name: Lutjanus griseus
  • Family: Lutjanidae
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Kingdom: Animalia

Is Mangrove Snapper good to eat?

Mangrove Snapper is many people’s top choice to eat. Although they are a bony fish their meat is light and flakey and they taste good served in any fashion.

How big do Mangrove Snapper have to be?

Mangrove Snapper must be at least 12 inches to be caught.

What is the difference between Mangrove Snapper and Red Snapper.

Although they can be similar Mangrove and Red Snapper have a few key differences. The most apparent difference is that red snapper tend to be bigger. However, the most important difference is taste. Many people believe that red snapper is the better fish but the argument is ongoing.

What is the best bait for Mangrove Snapper?

The Mangrove Snapper is not a picky fish and many types of bait will work. Cigar minnows, Pin fish, and grunts are all good options.